Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

I Think I’m In Love – Mocca

I Think I’ In Love – Mocca

If you got an eerie feeling, after hanging up the phone
Jika kau merasa takut setelah mengangkat telepon.

Sort of happy feeling
Seperti sejenis perasaan senang.

But you’re not sure what it’s called
Namun kau tak yakin itu di sebut apa.

If you’re haunted by his face, whenever you’re asleep at night
Jika kau di hantui dengan wajahnya di setiap malam di tidurmu.

And think you hear his silly voice, just calling out your name
Dan kau merasa mendengar suara bodohnya memanggil namamu.

Oh, no I think I’m in love with you
Oh tidak, aku rasa aku jatuh cinta denganmu.

Oh, no I’m hoping you’ll want me too
Oh tidak, aku berharap kau juga menginginkanku.

So please don’t let me down
Maka, mohon jangan kecewakan aku.

Just can’t help but talk about him in every conversation
Tak berguna terus membicarakan tentangnya.

Till your friends are sick and tired of that
Hingga teman – temanmu benci dan muak mendengarnya.

Same old crap
Sama seperti omong kosong.

If you start wearing make up, even when you go to bed
Jika kau mulai berdandan bahkan menjelang tidurmu.

And crying like a baby, when you hear a mellow song
Dan menangis seperti seorang bayi saat mendengar lagu sendu.

Writer(s) : Mocca
From the album Friends production of Fast Forward (FFWD) Records.